Herbie, the Numerical Compiler
Ten years since its inception, the Herbie project remains an active source of research and is a marquee project of PLSE. It directly spawned four publications: Herbie at PLDI 2015, Pareto-Herbie (Pherbie) at ARITH 2021, Rival at ARITH 2023, and Odyssey at UIST 2023, and influenced many more papers (an incomplete list can be found here). However, as with any long-standing project, we must question the fundamental idea behind it to inspire new directions of work. Previously, we pitched Herbie as a numerical analyst’s companion, a tool that automatically improves the accuracy of floating-point expressions. Now, we reenvision Herbie as a numerical compiler for programmers, lowering real expressions to floating-point implementations that are optimized for a given platform.