Verilog Programs Have Stream Semantics (Verilog basics 2)
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This is the second (and likely last) of two posts explaining Verilog basics from a programming languages angle. In the first post, we explained how Verilog programs are pure expressions. This gives a basis for understanding not only the basic syntax of Verilog programs, but also the structure of the expressions Verilog programs capture. However, we neglected to say anything about what Verilog programs actually mean. That’s what we’ll cover here!
Goals of this post.
Whereas the first post in this series
aimed to give readers a basic understanding
of the simplest, lowest level
subset of Verilog—structural Verilog—this
post aims to give readers
a basic understanding of the higher level, more useful
subset of Verilog
called behavioral Verilog.
While we will not discuss many features
within behavioral Verilog,
readers should come away
with an
understanding of
the all-important always
Non-goals of this post.
We will not cover many features of Verilog.
Even in the features we cover,
we will not discuss
their many, many edge cases.
We will not explain the difference between
The Verilog we present here
will not always be fully legal
(e.g. we avoid introducing the keyword logic
for conciseness, even where it’d be required.)
We also elide bitwidths for conciseness.
We will not cover the difference
between blocking and nonblocking assignments
in always
When discussing programming languages, there are often two axes that we care about: syntax and semantics. In my first post about Verilog, I discussed the interesting points of Verilog’s syntax. Syntax simply refers to how a program in the language is written—that is, what exact strings of characters constitute a legal program. Syntax also captures the structure of a program—i.e. whether the program is a tree, a directed acyclic graph (DAG), or, in Verilog’s case, a directed graph, potentially with cycles.
One thing we have not discussed, however, is the semantics or meaning of a given Verilog program—that is what this blog post will cover. In the first post, we gave a simple example of a cyclic counter circuit, and showed how the syntax of Verilog allows us to capture the cycle in the design. However, we didn’t discuss why the design works. In this post, we will explain how the design implements a counter by discussing its semantics.
First, let’s refresh ourselves on the counter design:

The counter consists of a register module and an incrementer module. The register holds a value. The incrementer reads that value and increments it by 1, feeding the result back into the register. The only input is the clock (indicated by the triangle input on the register) which determines when the register stores a new value, and thus, when the overall counter value is incremented.
It is easy enough to capture
a cyclic design
in a graphical schematic,
but writing down a cycle
in a programming language
is more challenging.
In the first post,
we explained how Verilog
captures cycles
using placeholder wire
The result was
the following implementation
of our counter design:
module counter(input clk, output [7:0] out);
wire [7:0] plusone_out, register_out;
register register_instance(
.in(plusone_out), .out(register_out), .clk(clk));
plusone plusone_instance(
.in(register_out), .out(plusone_out));
assign out = register_out;
Verilog implementation of our counter circuit.
We use two placeholders, plusone_out
and register_out
to refer to the outputs of both modules.
We then instantiate the modules,
connecting inputs and outputs
as indicated in the schematic.
does this work?
To answer that,
we’ll need to look at
the implementations of
and register
Our counter
is written in structural
Verilog—the subset of Verilog
composed only of module instantiations.
At the structural Verilog level,
and register
are black boxes;
we don’t actually know how they’re implemented.
To understand why our counter implementation
we’ll need to see the implementations
of these submodules themselves.
These implementations are written
in the richer, more complex, more useful subset
of Verilog
behavioral Verilog.
In the rest of this post, we will
describe the implementations
and register
in the process, we will cover
the basics of behavioral Verilog.
For each module,
we will first attempt to implement the module
in a software language: Python.
We will then show the implementation
in Verilog,
and highlight the differences.
Let’s begin with the plusone
To implement
in a software language like Python,
you might write something like this:
def plusone(x: int) -> int:
return x + 1
What are the semantics of this
That is, what is its meaning?
What does it do?
Well, informally,
the function takes a single integer x
and returns x
incremented by 1.
Now let’s take a look
at how we might implement
our plusone
from the first post
in Verilog,
and see how its semantics differ
from our Python implementation.
To implement plusone
in Verilog,
we would write:
module plusone(input in, output out);
assign out = in + 1;
Let’s first discuss
how this Verilog differs
from the structural Verilog
we’ve already looked at.
The most important difference
with our plusone
module is that,
in contrast to all of the Verilog
we’ve seen so far,
actually uses an operator,
, to perform computation.
This is the primary difference
between behavioral
and structural Verilog.
Structural Verilog,
as its name implies,
captures the structure of a hardware design,
which is simply a graph:
nodes are module instantiations,
and edges are wires.
However, in structural Verilog,
every module instantiation
is a black box;
a module may be named plusone
but without its
implementation in behavioral Verilog,
its name is just a name.
Behavioral Verilog, on the other hand,
provides operators (+
, *
, &
and more complex features (always
, initial
which allow us to specify what a module does.
Now, let’s discuss how
this Verilog
differs from a software language
like Python.
In our Verilog implementation of plusone
we simply assign the output
to be the input plus one.
In Verilog, this is referred to as a
continuous assignment,
and it indicates that the
signal on the left hand side (out
, in this case)
will be equal to the expression
on the right hand side (in+1
at all times.
These words and phrases—“continuous”,
“at all times”—hint that
that our Verilog plusone
and our Python plusone
have very different meanings.
Namely, there is a concept of time
in the Verilog setting
that doesn’t seem to exist in Python!
While we may already be starting to sense
that there’s some difference
between our Verilog and Python programs,
our plusone
example is not complex enough
to make the difference clear.
Let’s take a look at another example—register
will make the difference
more obvious.
Before we look at
the implementations of register
let’s understand what a register is.
A register (also called a “flip-flop”, or just a “flop”)
is a basic unit of hardware
which holds state over time.
A register takes two inputs,
a clock signal
and an n
-bit data input (often labeled D),
and gives one n
-bit data output (often labeled Q).
A clock signal in hardware
is a one-bit signal
which toggles between 0 and 1
at a steady interval,
synchronizing the circuit operation
and indicating the passing of time.
Registers are very simple:
they read in a new value
on the positive edge of the clock—the
exact moment when the clock flips
from 0 to 1—and
output that value until the next positive edge.
Registers are perhaps best understood
by looking at an example waveform:

In the waveforms above, the horizontal axis is time. We see that the clock is steadily ticking between zero and one. On each positive edge of the clock (occurring on the first, third, fifth, etc. vertical gray bars) the output of the register, Q, updates to the current value of the register’s input D. Note that changes in the input D that do not occur on the positive clock edge are not reflected in the output Q. The result is that Q “holds” the previous value of D for an entire clock cycle, giving a circuit the ability to remember values from the past!
Now, let’s consider how we would implement
our register
module in Python.
We know that a register takes
two inputs, a clock and a data input,
and returns a single output.
So we might begin with the following
function signature:
def register(clk: int, d: int) -> int:
But now, how do we implement the function? In short, a register checks whether there’s a positive edge on the clock (i.e. whether the old value is 0 and the current value is 1), and if so, returns the current data value; otherwise, it returns the old, stored data value. Sketching it out, it might look like:
def register(clk: int, d: int) -> int:
if old(clk) == 0 and clk == 1:
return d
return old(d)
But what is old
Well, we’d like it to be a function
that, for some input,
returns the previous value
of that input.
But there’s a problem here—we can’t
actually implement old
with the information given!
and d
are simply int
s—given an
, there’s no way of determining
its previous value
without some extra information.
How might we fix this?
There are many possible ways
to fix it,
but they all boil down to the same solution:
the register
needs more information.
Perhaps the simplest way
to fix our implementation
is to convert clk
and d
into (old value, current value)
def register(clk: (int, int), d: (int, int)) -> int:
old_clk, cur_clk = clk
old_d, cur_d = d
if old_clk == 0 and cur_clk == 1:
return cur_d
return old_d
By passing in both
the old value
and the current value
of clk
and d
we now have enough information
to implement the register correctly
in Python.
we made the decision
to convert from
scalar semantics—that is,
semantics over single values—to
stream semantics—that is,
semantics that operate over an ordered sequence
of values.
But why did this only become a problem
when implementing register
That is, why were we able to implement
with scalar semantics?
Well, note that plusone
does not need to
“look back in time”—its
implementation uses data
(i.e. the input in
only from the current timestep.
We could pass in an (int, int)
for in
, but we would only use its
second value.
(Non-essential note: this directly corresponds
with the fact that, on the Verilog side,
is a combinational circuit;
that is, its outputs are ready
as soon as its inputs change.)
Now, let’s turn our attention to the Verilog implementation:
module register(input clk,
input d,
output q);
initial q = 0;
always @ (posedge clk) q <= d;
As with plusone
, let’s first
compare this behavioral Verilog
to the structural Verilog
we’ve seen in the past.
The difference is the same
as with plusone
uses computational features
of behavioral Verilog
not available in structural Verilog—in
this case, the initial
and always
We will discuss exactly what these mean
in a bit.
Now, let’s compare our Verilog and Python
of register
Unlike our plusone
where the Python and Verilog implementations
were very similar,
our register
look very different!
The primary difference to note
is that
it almost seems like we’ve gone back
to scalar semantics—there’s no unpacking of clk
and d
into “old” and “current” values.
We’re able to use clk
and d
as values directly.
However, Verilog does
use stream semantics—they
are just a bit more confusing.
We will now elaborate.
We saw that, in Python, we needed to
stream semantics
to implement register
That is, we needed some notion
of “old” and “current”—without
that, there would have been no way
to capture the behavior of the register
At first glance, it seems like
Verilog isn’t using these stream semantics,
instead treating clk
, d
, and q
as if they were scalar values
(e.g. assigning d
to q
rather than
accessing the value of d
at a specific
Well, as it turns out,
Verilog is using stream semantics—they’re
just less obvious/more implicit
than in our Python implementation.
Instead of needing to
explicitly access
signal values at specific times
(e.g. using old()
, or
and cur_clk
as in our examples above),
Verilog implicitly
determines the point in time at which
to access the
depending on the context where it is
This is one of the most confusing elements
of Verilog semantics.
Let’s take a look at a specific example.
In the Python implementation of register
we determine whether there’s a positive edge
on the clock
in a very explicit manner:
if old_clk == 0 and cur_clk == 1:
The equivalent line in the Verilog implementation is:
always @ (posedge clk) ...
This is a perfect example of Verilog treating
signals as streams, but implicitly.
In Verilog, this is referred to as an always
and its behavior is as you might expect:
it describes events that always happen
when some triggering event occurs.
That triggering event is specified
via a sensitivity list,
“@ (...)
In this case, our sensitivity list
contains the event posedge clk
which refers to a positive edge
occurring on the clk
this is treating clk
as a stream;
as we saw in Python,
we can’t check for a positive edge
when all we have is a single value.
Somewhat confusingly,
Verilog hides the fact that clk
is a stream.
(Left as an exercise:
based on the functioning of always
can you now guess
what an initial
block does?)
Another place where we see these
implicit stream semantics
are in the body of the always
always @ (posedge clk) q <= d;
(Note: both q <= d
and q = d
are assignment statements
in Verilog—nonblocking and blocking
assignment, respectively.
We will not discuss the difference,
nor does it matter for our examples—simply
read q <= d
as assignment.)
Though d
is conceptually a sequence of values,
we’re able to use it as a scalar
in this assignment statement.
This is because, within this always
implicitly assumes
the user wants to use
the most recent value of d
The final place
where we see Verilog’s implicit treatment
of streams
is in the lack of an else
In the Python implementation of register
we needed to handle
the case where there was a positive edge,
and the case where there wasn’t:
if old_clk == 0 and cur_clk == 1:
in our Verilog implementation,
we don’t see any equivalent
to our else
This is again because
signals are inherently streams
in Verilog.
We don’t need to assign q
in every case:
because q
is a stream,
it already contains its past
and will hold its last assigned value
until the next time
we run q <= d
Finally, putting it all together, let’s take one last look at our register implementation in Verilog:
module register(input clk,
input d,
output q);
initial q = 0;
always @ (posedge clk) q <= d;
Recall that a register
stores a value, and constantly outputs that value.
On a positive clock edge,
a register reads in a new value.
As we’ve now seen,
our always
allows us to detect when there’s a positive edge,
and q <= d
reads in the new value.
Lastly, by taking no action
on other events,
the register implicitly holds
the old value of q
when no positive edge occurs.
This covers the functioning of our register.
By putting together your understanding
of the Verilog implementations
of plusone
and register
, you should now see
why counter
If you would like to play around
with an implementation of counter
see the following EDAPlayground link:
To run, simply click the “Run” button.
You may need to create an account first.
On the right side, you’ll see
the module implementations
described in this post: plusone
, register
, and counter
On the left side, you’ll see
the testbench implementation—much like a
function in C or C++, this is the
module which is actually run.
Specifically, it is the initial
inside the testbench
which is run.
Surprisingly, from this very simple example
of behavioral Verilog,
you now have the basis for understanding most Verilog designs.
The always
block is at the heart of all Verilog.
As soon as you understand that
blocks are simply computations
that react to events,
and furthermore that signals themselves
are streams of values which can be reacted to,
expressions like posedge clk
become much more readable.
Conclusion. In this post, we explored the very basics of behavioral Verilog’s semantics. In the process, we explained how Verilog uses stream semantics, however implicitly. If you would like to continue your Verilog learning, you should now have enough knowledge to start solving Verilog challenges such as those available on
One last note. Everything I’ve stated here about Verilog semantics should be taken with a grain of salt. The truth about Verilog semantics, as with any programming language, is that the semantics are defined by whatever tool is reading and processing the Verilog code. Consider the semantics assigned to the following code:
module simple();
initial $display("Hello World");
When run through a Verilog simulator
like Verilator,
which simulates a hardware design
on a traditional CPU,
the code will print out
"Hello World"
when it encounters
$display("Hello World")
But simulation is just one task
we might apply to a Verilog design.
More likely than not, we also want to compile
the design to actual hardware,
be it on an FPGA or an ASIC.
To do this, we use a synthesis tool,
which compiles the Verilog
to our hardware platform,
e.g. a proprietary binary file used to program an FPGA
or a low-level geometry file
used to etch chips.
When put through
a synthesis tool
like Yosys,
this code will simply cause an error,
as printing a message does not make sense
in an actual hardware design.
Thus, this single Verilog file
can have two different sets of semantics
based on the tool.
This example is simply meant to highlight
that talking about Verilog semantics can be fraught,
and is entirely dependent on the tool
you’re using.
Gus Smith is an alumni of the PLSE lab who recently defended his PhD. His website is located at