UW Programming Languages and Software Engineering (PLSE)


UW CSE’s Programming Languages and Software Engineering group advances fundamental research and practical applications (some in this GitHub organization) in programming environments, program analysis, language design, synthesis, compilers, testing, verification, and security. We have strong ties to the Sampa and SAMPL groups, Intel, Cray, Microsoft Research, NVIDIA, AT&T, and others.

Are you an undergrad at UW who wants to get involved with our research? Check out our page on getting involved!

Recent Blog Posts


  1. Congratulations to Zach for his promotion to Professor!

    Congrats to Ben, Sam, Ryan Featherman, Hannah, Ardi, and René for their paper Equivalent Mutants in the Wild: Identifying and Efficiently Suppressing Equivalent Mutants for Java Programs at ISSTA 2024.

    Congrats to Audrey, Dan, and their collaborators for their paper Correctly Compiling Proofs About Programs Without Proving Compilers Correct at ITP 2024.

    Congrats to James, Mike, and René, whose paper “Verifying the Option Type with Rely-Guarantee Reasoning” was accepted to ASE 2024.

    Congrats to Benedikt Schesch, Ryan Featherman, Kenneth, Ben R. Roberts, and Mike, whose paper “Evaluation of Version Control Merge Tools” was accepted to ASE 2024.

  2. Congrats to Haoran, Mike, and their collaborators, whose paper “GoFree: Reducing Garbage Collection via Compiler-Inserted Freeing” was accepted to CGO 2025.

  3. Congrats to René, Mike, and their collaborators, whose paper “Call graph soundness in Android static analysis” was accepted to ISSTA 2024.

    Congrats to Yihong, Remy, and Dan for their paper “Semantic foundations of equality saturation”, which is accepted at ICDT 2025.

  4. Congrats to René, Mike, and their collaborators, whose paper Are Mutants a Valid Substitute for Real Faults in Software Testing? will be awarded a Test of Time award at FSE 2024.

    Congrats to Eunice, Edward, Jeff, and René, whose paper rTisane: Externalizing conceptual models for data analysis prompts reconsideration of domain assumptions and facilitates statistical modeling won a Best Paper award at CHI 2024

    Shout out to Anjali, James, and Zach for organizing the PNW PLSE 2024 workshop, which was held on May 7th. Check out the link to see the full program!

    Two PLSE-affiliated papers are selected for MIT PL Review 2024:

    Better Together: Unifying Datalog and Equality Saturation by Yihong, Remy, Oliver, Zach, Max, and collaborators.

    Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis for Programs with Local Variables by Yihong and collaborators.

  5. Congrats to Amy, Yuxuan, Ben, Zach, and Adriana for their paper Computational Illusion Knitting, which is accepted at SIGGRAPH 2024.

    Congrats to Thia for winning NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP) and Vishal for winning honorable mention.

    Congrats to Gilbert and his collaborators, whose paper A Verified Compiler for a Functional Tensor Language is accepted at PLDI 2024.

  6. Congrats to Edward, Zach, and Steven for their paper Magic Markup: Maintaining Document-External Markup with an LLM at Programming with AI workshop collocated with <Programming> 2024.

    The PLSE lab organized a game jam. Check out the poster and the games!

  7. The biweekly PLSE blog series is launched!

  8. Two papers from PLSE are accepted at ASPLOS 2024:

    FPGA Technology Mapping Using Sketch-Guided Program Synthesis by Gus, Ben, Vishal, Andrew, Steven, Oak, René, Gilbert, and Zach

    Avoiding Instruction-Centric Microarchitectural Timing Channels Via Binary-Code Transformations by Michael, Reshabh, Alexandra, Dan, and David.

    Congrats to everyone!

  9. Congrats to Yihong and his collaborators whose paper Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis for Programs with Local Variables is accepted at POPL 2024.

    Congrats to Hannah and her collaborators whose paper Live Pattern Matching with Typed Holes won a distinguished paper award at OOPSLA.

  10. Oliver gave a talk on Making Interval Arithmetic Robust to Overflow at ARITH 2023.

    Congrats to Andrew for winning the first place in the postgraduate category; Thia for winning the first place and Vishal for winning the third place in the undergraduate category at the Student Research Competition at ICFP 2023!

    John co-organized the FARM workshop at ICFP, where Amy gave a talk on Exploring Self-Embedded Knitting Programs with Twine.

    Congrats to Gus, who was awarded the Bonderman Fellowship for independent travel!

  11. PLSE remembers Cornell student and friend of the lab Priya Srikumar.

    Five papers from PLSE are accepted to OOPSLA 2023:

    Equality Saturation Theory Exploration à la Carte by Anjali, Brett, Ryan, Thia, Amy, Oliver, Max, Zach, and Chandra.

    Live Pattern Matching with Typed Holes by Hannah and her collaborators.

    A Pretty Expressive Printer by Sorawee, Emina, and their collaborators.

    Rhombus: A New Spin on Macros Without All the Parentheses by Sorawee and his collaborators.

    Inference of Resource Management Specifications by Mike and his collaborators.

    Moreover, Mike and collaborators’ paper Pluggable Type Inference for Free is accepted to ASE 2023.

    Sorawee and collaborators’ paper on Generating Conforming Programs With Xsmith is accepted to GPCE 2023.

  12. Congrats to Thomas and Hannah for winning first and second place in the ISSTA 2023 ACM Student Research Competition

    Congrats to Edward, Caleb, Brett, Eunice, Zach, and Pavel, whose paper on Odyssey: An Interactive Workbench for Expert-Driven Floating-Point Expression Rewriting is accepted at UIST 2023.

    Congrats to Jacob, Xi, Emina, and their collaborators for having their paper on Synthesis-Aided Crash Consistency for Storage Systems accepted at ECOOP 2023.

    Zach and Pavel co-organized FPTalks 2023, where Edward gave a talk on Odyssey.

    René co-organized ECOOP and ISSTA 2023.

  13. The PLSE lab played a big part at PLDI 2023:

    Yihong presented the egglog paper.

    Gus gave a talk at PLARCH on Generate Compilers from Hardware Models!.

    Gilbert co-organized DRAGSTERS 2023. Gilbert gave a talk at ARRAY on “Performance vs. Correctness When Writing Low-Level HPC/Tensor/Array Code”.

    Max and Zach co-organized the second EGRAPHS workshop; Oliver and Yihong presented.

  14. Remy and Eunice will join UCLA as Assistant Professors. Max will join UC Berkeley as an Assistant Professor. Sorawee and Jacob will join Veridise. Congrats to all!

    Anjali and Zach co-organized PNW PLSE 2023, which is a success. Hannah, Ardi, Eunice, Audrey, John, Gus, and many friends presented!

  15. Hannah and many friends at PLSE hosted a PLSE outreach activity for the Admitted Student Day.

  16. Alexandra received a fellowship from NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Congrats!

  17. Congrats to Remy, Max, and Dan Suciu, for their paper Free Join: Unifying Worst-Case Optimal and Traditional Joins, which will appear at SIGMOD 2023!

  18. Congrats to Hannah, Ardi, René, and collaborators for their Onward! paper on Contextualized programming language documentation, which will appear at SPLASH 2022!

  19. Congrats to Mike and his collaborators for their paper Call Me Maybe: Using NLP to automatically generate unit test cases respecting temporal constraints at ASE 2022!

  20. Gilbert Bernstein will be joining PLSE as an Assistant Professor in Jan. Welcome Prof. Bernstein!

    Congrats to Oliver, Max, Zach, and collaborators for their paper Short Proofs from Congruence Closure accepted to FMCAD!

    FPTalks ‘22 was successfully held on July 6, with a plethora of exciting talks. Congratulations!

    Congrats to Sorawee, Emina, and their collaborators for their paper Testing Dafny (Experience Paper) accepted to ISSTA 2022.

  21. Congrats to Yihong for winning the second place at the Grand Finals of the ACM Student Research Competition!

    EGRAPHS ‘22, the first ever workshop dedicated to e-graphs and related techniques, was successfully held. Shout out to Max and Zach for organizing it!

  22. Congrats to Martin, Mike, and their collaborators for their paper on Accumulation Analysis at ECOOP 2022!

  23. Martin will join NJIT as an Assistant Professor, congratulations and please keep in touch!

    Eunice, Audrey, René, and Jeff received an honorable mention for their paper on Tisane, at CHI 2022!

    Dan Suciu, Remy, and collaborators’ work Convergence of Datalog over (Pre-) Semirings is named a Best Paper at PODS 2022!

    Rock, Katharina, and René’s work on Scaffolding Preregistrations to Automatically Generate Analysis Code and Methods Descriptions will appear at CHI 2022, Congrats!

  24. René and collaborators’ work on Repairing brain-computer interfaces with fault-based data acquisition will appear at ICSE 2022, Congrats!

    Sam, Ryan, René, and collaborators’ work on Prioritizing mutants to guide mutation testing will appear at ICSE 2022, Congrats!

    Eunice, Melissa, René, and collaborators’ work on Hypothesis formalization has been published at TOCHI, Congrats!

    René and collaborators’ work on Comparing mutation tools for research, education, and practice has been accepted to CACM, Congrats!

  25. Mike He received an honorable mention from the CRA outstanding undergraduate researcher award. Congrats!

    Eunice, Audrey, René and collaborator’s work on Tisane will appear at CHI 2022, Congrats!

  26. 4 papers from PLSE are accepted at POPL’22:

    James and collaborators’ paper Induction Duality: Primal-Dual Search for Invariants

    James and collaborators’ paper Property-Directed Reachability as Abstract Interpretation in the Monotone Theory

    Yihong, Remy, Max, and Zach’s paper Relational E-Matching

    Sorawee, Luke, Xi and Emina’s paper A formal foundation for symbolic evaluation with merging

    Congrats to all!

    Congrats to Chandra, Max, Amy, Remy, Brett, Adam, Adriana, Dan, and Zach for their Distinguished Paper award at SPLASH’21 for their work on Rewrite Rule Inference Using Equality Saturation!

    Congrats to Jacob and collaborators for their Best Paper Award at SOSP’21 for their work on Using Lightweight Formal Methods to Validate a Key-Value Storage Node in Amazon S3!

  27. Congrats to Melissa and Eunice for their paper Adapting Reorderable Matrices for Qualitative Analysis accepted to the IEEE Visualization 2021 workshop on Human-Data Interaction!

    Congrats to Remy and his collaborators for their paper Optimizing Recursive Queries with Program Synthesis accepted to SIGMOD 2022!

    Eunice and Chandra will attend Rising Stars 2021. Make sure to catch them in Boston if you’re there!

  28. Congrats to Remy and his collaborators for their paper on Convergence of Datalog over (Pre-) Semirings accepted at PODS 2022!

    Congrats to Jasper, Chandra, and their collaborators for their paper: “Taxon: Language for Formal Reasoning with Digital Fabrication Machines” accepted at UIST 2021!

    Congrats to Chandra, Adam, Adriana, Dan, and Zach and their collaborators for their paper: “A Roadmap Towards Parallel Printing for Desktop 3D Printers” accepted at SFF 2021!

  29. Congrats to Chandra, Max, Amy, Remy, Brett, Adam, Adriana, Dan, and Zach for their paper on using Equality Saturation for Rewrite Rule Inference at OOPSLA 2021!

  30. Congrats to Yihong and Caleb, who tied for the first place at the Student Research Competition at PLDI’21!

    Congrats to Emina for receiving the Robin Milner Young Researcher Award!

    Talia defended her thesis! Congrats Dr. Ringer!!

    Chandra defended her thesis too and will join Certora as a Senior Researcher. Congrats Dr. Nandi!!

  31. Congrats to Emina and Xi on their Amazon Research Award for advancing automated verification for critical infrastructure software!

    Gus, Andrew, Steven, Luis, Zach, and collaborators’ paper, “Pure, Low-Level Tensor Program Rewriting via Access Patterns” will appear at MAPS’21!

    Brett, Chandra, Zach, and collaborators from University of Utah got their paper on Combining Precision Tuning and Rewriting accepted at ARITH’21!

    Congrats to Martin, and collaborators for their new FSE acceptance “Lightweight and Modular Resource Leak Verification”!

    Congrats to Zhen, Mike and collaborators for their new FSE acceptance “Checking Conformance of Applications against GUI Policies”!

    Talia will join UIUC as an assistant professor. Exciting news for both Talia and UIUC!!

    Max and Joe both defended their thesis! Congrats Dr. Willsey and Dr. Redmon!!

  32. Yihong’s work on Relational E-matching is accepted to PLDI SRC, make sure to check out his poster!

    Steven, Mike He, Gus, Zach, and collaborators’ paper From DSLs to Accelerator-Rich Platform Implementations: Addressing the Mapping Gap will appear at LATTE’21. Make sure to checkout Steven’s talk!

  33. Congrats to Chenglong, Ras, and Amy Ko for winning the CHI 2021 Best Paper Award with their paper Falx: Synthesis-Powered Visualization Authoring!

  34. Two papers from PLSE are accepted to PLDI’21:

    Proof Repair Across Type Equivalences by Talia, RanDair Porter, Dan & collaborators

    Reticle: A Virtual Machine for Programming Modern FPGAs by Luis, Joseph, Dan, Luis and collaborators. Congrats all!

  35. 3 papers from PLSE will appear at MLSys 2021:

    “Efficiently Compiling Dynamic Neural Networks for Model Inference” by Jared, Zach, and their collaborators;

    “Equality Saturation for Tensor Graph Superoptimization” by Max, Remy, and their collaborators;

    “A Learned Performance Model for the Tensor Processing Unit” by Sam and collaborators.

    Marisa, Steven, Altan, Mike, Jared, Zach and collaborators’ paper “Dynamic Tensor Rematerialization” is accepted to ICLR 2021!

  36. Chenglong, Ras, Amy, and their collaborators’ work “Falx: Synthesis-powered Visualization Authoring” was accepted to CHI 2021!

    Rashmi, Jason, Suzzane and Mike’s paper “Verifying Determinism in Sequential Programs” was accepted to ICSE 2021!

    René and his collaborators’ paper “Does mutation testing improve testing practices?” was accepted to ICSE 2021!

    Max, Chandra, Remy, Zach and collaborators’ work on egg was named a Distinguished Paper at POPL 2021!

    Zach, Luis, Luis, and Jared were all involved in hosting or presenting at TVMConf! Check out the videos here.

  37. Maaz received a distinguished reviewer award as part of the OOPSLA 2020 AEC! Congrats, Maaz!

    Talia will be giving a talk to CMU’s Principles of Programming group.

    Julie is presenting her work at OOPSLA 2020.

    Josh is presenting his bachelor’s thesis work at PLATEAU 2020.

    Jared defended his thesis! Congrats, Dr. Jared!

  38. Congrats to Julie, Ras, and collaborators on the OOPSLA 2020 acceptance!

    Max, Remy, Chandra, Zach and collaborators’ work on egg was accepted to POPL 2021! Congrats, all!

    James Wilcox also has an accepted POPL 2021 paper with his collaborators.

  39. Talia ran a long-term mentoring program that matched 173 mentees with 95 mentors from around the world! At ICFP 2020, Talia also co-chaired the largest PLMW ever.

    Congrats to Martin, Mike, and collaborators for the acceptance of their paper “Continuous Compliance” at ASE! Check out the camera ready here!

    Remy and his collaborators’ work on SPORES appeared at VLDB!

    Jacob gave a talk at CAV! Check it out here

    The DTR team (Marisa, Steven, Altan, Mike He, Tianqi, and Zach) won the ADA demo award! Congrats, all!

    Congrats to PLSE alumnus James Wilcox for his PLDI best paper!

    Talia gave a talk on Proof Transformation as part of the logic supergroup.

    Members of PLSE participated in Shut down academia to discuss meaningful changes to address anti-black racism in our communities.

  40. Huge congrats to Mike for receiving the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award for his work on programmer productivity!

  41. Congrats to Jacob, Luke, Xi, Emina, and their collaborators from UT Austin for their CAV 2020 paper on Synthesizing JIT Compilers for In-Kernel DSLs!

  42. Congrats to Talia for receiving a PEO scholar award!

  43. Congrats to Josh for receiving the NSF GRFP!

  44. Amanda is joining Apple as a Research Engineer! Congratulations!!

  45. Carpentry Compiler by Chandra, Zach, and their collaborators from GRAIL was once again featured in a news article, this time in The Daily!

  46. Chandra, Max, Adam, James W., Zach, Eva, and Dan’s paper on using Equality Saturation for Synthesizing Structured CAD models is accepted to PLDI 2020!

  47. Talia organized a panel at POPL. Her summary of the panel with links to the recording can be found in both the SIGPLAN Blog and the SIGOPS Blog. Check it out!

  48. Gus’s paper, Enumerating Hardware-Software Splits with Program Rewriting, was accepted to the Young Architect Workshop at ASPLOS2020.

  49. Congrats to Martin, Mike, and their collaborators for their paper on Verifying Object Construction at ICSE 2020!

  50. Congrats to Amanda, Chenglong and Amy, and co-authors Alannah Oleson and James Fogarty for their acceptance of their paper “Scout: Rapid Exploration of Interface Layout Alternatives through High-Level Design Constraints” to CHI ‘20.

  51. Carpentry Compiler by Chandra, Zach, and their collaborators from GRAIL featured on UW News!

  52. Congrats to Talia, Alex, Dan, and Sorin on their CPP 2020 paper about analyzing the changes that proof engineers make to programs, specifications, and proofs in Coq!

  53. Martin Kellogg won gold at the Student Research Competition at ASE with his work on compile-time detection of machine image sniping!

  54. Congrats to Chenglong, Yu, Ras, Alvin, and collaborators on their POPL 2020 paper on visualization by example!

  55. Congrats to Sorawee, James Bornholt and Emina for their VMCAI 2020 paper on fixing code that explodes under symbolic evaluation!

  56. Max is giving an invited talk about Puddle at ICCAD!

  57. Congrats to Luke, James Bornholt, Emina, Xi, and collaborators on their Best Paper Award at SOSP!

  58. OctoML secured millions in funding! Congrats Luis, Jared, Zach, and all others involved outside of PLSE!

  59. Josh will give a talk about his work on Theia with Jared, Doug, and Zach as part of SPLASH-E!

  60. Talia will give a talk about her work on proof engineering at UMass Amherst on November 6th as part of the Rising Stars in CS Lecture Series!

  61. Talia, Zach, and collaborators just dropped some big knowledge about writing big proofs! Check out QED at Large: A Survey of Engineering of Formally Verified Software.

  62. PLSE has two papers at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019: Maaz and his collaborators for their work on lifting legacy image processing functions to high level DSLs, and Chandra, Zach and their collaborators for their work on compilers for carpentry. Congratulations!

  63. Talia will be attending Rising Stars this year!

  64. James W. joined Certora as their CTO!

  65. Pavel joined Utah’s School of Computing as an Assistant Professor!

  66. James Bornholt will be joining UT Austin as an Assistant Professor in 2020!

  67. Congrats to Pavel, Zach, Mike, and their collaborator, Shoaib Kamil for their latest Cassius paper at OOPSLA 2019!

  68. Congrats to Talia, Nate, John Leo, and Dan on their ITP paper: Ornaments for Proof Reuse in Coq. Talia will be talking about this and other proof-related work at the Coq Users and Developers Workshop!

  69. Watch out world! Three PLSE undergrads are heading off to grad school in the fall: David to UCSD, Nate to Northeastern, and Jasper to CMU.

  70. Doug will be heading to Brown in the fall as a lecturer. Congrats Doug!

  71. James W., and Zach together with their collaborators have papers in CAV 2019! Congratulations!!

  72. Chenglong got a paper into CVPR 2019!

  73. Our very own John Toman defended his PhD! 🎓

  74. Bill’s paper on tracking floating point precision got into CONGA, where Zach will be giving the keynote!

  75. Jasper’s paper on Inductive-Inductive Types in Cubical Type Theory got into FoSSaCS 2019.

  76. Congrats to Doug, Mike, Zach, and their Systems collaborators Ellis, and Tom for their EuroSys 2019 paper on DSLabs!

  77. Ras was named an ACM Fellow for his contributions to program synthesis. Congrats!

  78. Chandra won the Adobe Research Fellowship!

  79. Zach and Karl won a Facebook Continuous Reasoning Research Award for their work on continuous program verification.

  80. Congrats to Max, Mangpo, Sam, and Ras for their ASPLOS 2019 acceptances!

  81. Max’s work on Puddle was a runner-up for the Madrona Prize at the Allen School’s Industrial Affiliates event.

  82. Sarah traveled all over, giving talks at UMass Amherst, PROBPROG, and UIST, as well as attending Rising Stars.

  83. James gave a talk at NESVD about his work on distributed systems verification.

  84. Chenglong and his collaborators won InfoVis Best Paper for their work on Draco!

  85. Talia gave a talk at UCSD on her automated proof repair work.

  86. Chandra gave a talk on her Reincarnate work at MPI-SWS.

  87. Jared and his collaborators merged Relay, a new high-level IR, into the TVM machine learning stack.

  88. Congrats to John and Dan! Their work on Concerto will appear in POPL 2019.

  89. PLSE kicked off the Allen School autumn colloquium series with fantastic talks from John, Pavel, James B., James W., and Doug!

  90. Pavel gave talks at both RacketCon and NPFL.

  91. Amanda gave a talk at the Berkeley Institute of Design about inferring user interface structure.

  92. Chandra gave a talk at ICFP on her work on Reincarnate.

  93. Congrats to Ali, Ras and their collaborators for their paper on the TPS project accepted in the Cell Reports journal!

  94. Congrats to Chenglong, James, Alvin, Emina, and Ras for their papers at OOPSLA 2018!

  95. Congrats to Sarah, Ras and their collaborators for their paper on scraping distributed web data at UIST 2018!

  96. Zach taught distributed system verification at the DeepSpec Summer School in Princeton!

  97. Emina and Mike gave two keynotes for ISSTA in Amsterdam!

  98. Pavel, Zach and their collaborators presented their paper on Tools for Floating-Point Computations at FM in Oxford, UK!

  99. Zach gave the keynote for The Coq Workshop in Oxford, UK!

  100. UW PLSE students had several great talks and papers at PLDI! Pavel on VizAssert, Alex on Herbgrind, and James and Doug on modular verification of distributed Systems!

  101. Congrats to Shumo, Jared, Brendan Murphy, Alvin and their collaborators for their paper on SQL semantics in VLDB 2018!

  102. Congrats to the Herbie team for releasing Herbie 1.2!

  103. Beep! Brrrzzzz. Zach and Dan just received an NSF grant to continue their work on PL foundations for 3D printing.

  104. Congrats to Stuart, Calvin, Eric, and Ali for graduating with PhDs! 🎓

  105. Congrats to Calvin, Mike and Emina for Distinguished Paper at ICSE’18 for Cozy.

  106. Beep! Brrrzzzz. Chandrakana, James, Taylor, Dan and Zach’s paper on Functional Programming for Compiling and Decompiling CAD has been accepted to ICFP 2018!

  107. Congrats to Sam and his collaborators for their SecDev 2018 paper on Checked C!

  108. Congrats to Martin and Mike for their ISSTA 2018 papers!

  109. Jared’s ASPLOS 2017 paper with UCSB collaborators was selected as an IEEE Micro Top Pick!

  110. Congrats to John and Dan for their ECOOP 2018 paper!

  111. Congrats to Jared, Steven, Josh, Logan, Tianqi, and Zach for their MAPL 2018 paper!

  112. Congrats to Eric, Pavel, Zach and their collaborators for their CAV, ITP and FM 2018 papers!

  113. Joe won a Google PhD Fellowship!

  114. Congrats to Max for receiving an NSF Honorable mention!

  115. Congrats to Amy Ko for being recognized with the ICSE 2018 10-year most influential paper award!

  116. Make sure to submit to PNW PLSE 2018!

  117. Check out James Wilcox’s article in CACM on Highlights in Systems Verification!

  118. Don’t miss James Wilcox presenting VerifiedFT at PPoPP 2018!

  119. Congrats to Michael Ernst for earning the ISSTA 2018 Impact Paper Award!

  120. Congrats to Pavel, Adam, Mike, Zach, Doug, James, and their coauthors on PLDI’18 acceptances. Come see the talks in Philly!

  121. Joe is giving a TED talk on YOLO!

  122. Œuf is now open source. Check it out on GitHub!

  123. Zach won an NSF CAREER award!

  124. James Bornholt receives a 2018 Facebook Fellowship.

  125. James Wilcox will have a paper at PPoPP 18: VerifiedFT: A Verified, High-Performance Dynamic Race Detector

  126. Congrats to Amanda and Amy for their acceptance of their paper “Rewire: Interface Design Assistance from Examples” to CHI ‘18.

  127. UW PLSE will be out in force at POPL 2018!

    We have three papers at POPL:

    We also have two papers at CPP:

    And one at OBT!

    See you in Los Angeles!

  128. Mangpo will be giving a talk on her work High-Coverage Hint Generation for Racket Programming Assignments with Berkeley colleagues at RacketCon 2017!

  129. Rashmi Mudduluru will be giving a talk on her work Lasso Detection Using Partial State Caching with MSR colleagues at FMCAD 2017!

  130. Amy just received a grant to investigate different programming strategies together with Thomas LaToza. Congrats, Amy and Thomas, and we’re excited to see the results of the work.

  131. Congrats on OOPSLA’17 acceptances for Talia (for Iorek), Sarah and Ras (for Ringer), and Dan and UW PLSE alumnus Ben Wood (on dynamic race detection).

  132. Congrats to Julie for her Onward! 2017 paper on Internet of Things automation.

  133. Joe’s YOLO9000 just won Best Paper Honorable Mention at CVPR’2017!

  134. Cosette, by UW PLSE members Shumo, Konstantin, Chenglong, and Alvin, has just been released! Check out this automatic way to check whether SQL queries are equivalent.

  135. At this year’s ICSE, Mike won the Most Influential Paper Award, along with coauthors Carlos Pacheco, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Thomas Ball, for Feedback-Directed Random Test Generation, published ten years ago. Congratulations, Mike!

  136. Martin and Calvin were grand finalists in the ACM’s 2017 Student Research Competition—Martin took 3rd in the undergrad category and Calvin 3rd in the graduate category. Congrats to both of them, and to Mike, who advises both of them.

  137. Congratulations to Max and Vincent for winning a 2017 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship for their project on domain-specific reconfigurable accelerators! This is Vincent’s second QIF win.

  138. Congratulations Alex, who just defended his Ph.D! Alex will graduate at the end of the quarter and begin working on combining program synthesis with deep learning to improve programming productivity and AI capabilities.

  139. UW PLSE has two papers in ICFP 2017! Congratulations to Jared and his collaborators for their paper on Lean, and to Konstantin, Steven, Emina, Mike, Zach, and their collaborator Stefan for their paper on SpaceSearch!

  140. Herbie 1.1 has been released. Good work, Pavel, Jason, Alex, and Zach!

  141. Mike is giving an invited talk at ETAPS 2017, discussing his work on using natural langauge processessing to understand non-semantic portions of code. Do not miss it!

  142. You cannot miss Joe’s talk, at TED 2017. Tech.co called Joe one of the five most notable TED speakers this year, next to Elon Musk and Serena Williams.

  143. Congratulations to Chandrakana, Dan, and their coauthors for their paper, “Debugging Probabilistic Programs”, at MAPL 2017.

  144. Congratulations to Alvin and Emina on receiving CAREER awards from the NSF.

  145. Remy (Yisu) Wang, Zhen Zhang, and Rashmi Mudduluru will be joining UW PLSE next year. Welcome!

  146. Congrats to Ryan and Luke, who have chosen graduate schools where they will pursue their PhDs. Ryan’s going to Cornell, while Luke is staying here at UW!

  147. Congratulations to Sarah and Mangpo for their paper, “Data-Driven Synthesis of Full Probabilistic Programs”, at CAV 2017.

  148. Congratulations to Konstantin on passing his Ph.D. Defense! Konstantin will graduate at the end of the quarter and move on to applying his research on verifying network configuration at the Google networking team.

  149. Joe’s YOLO9000 has been accepted to CVPR’17: better, faster, strong object detection with a single net.

  150. Congratulations John, Dan, James, Zach, Ras, Mangpo, Nate, Chandrakana, and Mike, their coauthors, and the several UW PLSE alumni on their accepted papers to SNAPL’17!

  151. James and Emina’s paper on memory model synthesis; Shumo, Konstantin, and Alvin’s paper on HoTTSQL; Chenglong, Alvin, and Ras’s paper on SQL query synthesis; and Grigory, Maaz, and Ras’s work on static parallelization have all been accepted to PLDI 17! Congratulations!

  152. Zach gave a talk at the University of Utah on floating point at the University of Washington: Herbie, Herbgrind, and FPBench.

  153. Congratulations Mike on winning the ICSE 2017 Most Influential Paper award for his work on feedback-directed random test generation.

  154. Jared helped give a tutorial on his work adding native compilation to the LEAN theorem prover. Check it out!

  155. Evaluating & improving fault localization techniques was accepted to ICSE 2017. It’s by Spencer Pearson, ex-postdoc René Just (now at UMass), Michael Ernst, Deric Pang, Benjamin Keller, and their colleagues at Sheffield and Porto.

  156. Melissa Galloway was featured in UW CSE’s Undergrad Spotlight.

  157. Congratulations to Chris Mackie and Nate Yazdani, honorable mentions for 2017 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers!

  158. Calvin Loncaric and Spencer Pearson were 1st- and 3rd-place graduate students, and Martin Kellogg and Chris Mackie were 1st- and 3rd-place undergraduate students, in the FSE student research competition

  159. Congratulations to Helgi Sigurbjarnarson, James Bornholt, Emina Torlak, and Xi Wang for winning best paper “Push-Button Verification of File Systems via Crash Refinement” at OSDI 2016!

  160. Amy Ko gave a keynote A human view of programming languages at SPLASH 2016

  161. Luke will present a poster on his and Jared’s work on bootstrapping a secure eBPF compiler in Coq at OSDI 2016!

  162. Emina Torlak gave the keynote at RacketCon2016

  163. Chandrakana and Mike’s work on program analyses for smart home security has been accepted to PLAS 2016!

  164. UW had eight (!) papers accepted to the FSE 2016 Student Research Competition. Congratulations to Waylon Huang, Wing Lam, Calvin Loncaric, Martin Kellogg, Chris Mackie, Chandrakana Nandi, Spencer Pearson, Joe Santino. Their advisor is Michael Ernst.

  165. Congratulations to everyone accepted to OOPLSA 2016! Cassius, Bagpipe, Ringer, and Calvin’s work with Samsung Research America

  166. Ivan a UW alum, Yuriy a UW postdoc alum, Patty, and Mike’s paper, Debugging Distributed Systems appeared in CACM August 2016 issue!

  167. Talia, Franzi, and Dan’s paper, “AUDACIOUS: User-Driven Access Control with Unmodified Operating Systems” to appear in ACM CCS 2016!

  168. Staccato won both the Distinguished Artifact and Distinguished Poster awards at ECOOP 2016. Congrats, John and Dan!

  169. PLSE swept the best student paper awards at SYNT 2016! Maaz and Alvin won for their work on verified lifting for data processing; Julie came in second for her work on synthesis for robot motion planning.

  170. Ras wins an Influential Paper Award from ISCA for his 2001 paper Focusing Processor Policies via Critical-Path Prediction.

  171. Konne will be presenting Bagpipe’s BGP formalization in Brazil at NetPL 16.

  172. Recent PLSE alum and soon-to-be Cornell professor Adrian Sampson won UW CSE’s William Chan Memorial Dissertation Award!

  173. Alvin won the DoE Early Career Award!

  174. Alvin and his collaborators from MIT, Stanford, and Barefoot Networks’ work on programmable switches was accepted to SIGCOMM 2016.

  175. Ivan, Patty, Yuriy, and Mike’s paper on Debugging distributed systems is the cover story in the March/April 2016 issue of ACM Queue.

  176. Mike, Alberto, Alessandra, and Mauro’s paper on Automatic generation of oracles for exceptional behaviors was accepted to ISSTA 2016.

  177. Mike, Damiano, Massimo, and Fausto’s paper on Semantics for locking specifications was accepted to NFM 2016.

  178. Neutrons was accepted to CAV’16. If you’re there, come to the talk to learn about verifying a neutron therapy machine.

  179. Congratulations to Talia Ringer and Amanda Swearngin for winning NSF graduate fellowships!

  180. John and Dan’s paper on Staccato, a bug finder for dynamic configuration updates, and Chenglong’s paper on API adaptation will appear at ECOOP 2016!

  181. YOLO has been accepted to CVPR’16. Congrats to Joe!

  182. Xi’s work on undefined behavior detection appears in this month’s Communications of the ACM.

  183. Emina Torlak won the AITO Dahl-Nygaard prize and the Sloan Fellowship!

  184. We have three papers accepted to PLDI 2016: Calvin, Emina, and Mike’s data structure synthesis with Cozy; Eric, Daryl, Zach, and Dan’s verified peephole optimizations with Peek; and Alvin’s verified lifting of stencils with STNG.

  185. Mike and Javier’s paper on Locking discipline inference and checking was accepted to ICSE 2016.

  186. Konstantin Weitz was a finalist for the Facebook Fellowship Program!

  187. Pavel Panchekha won the Adobe Research Fellowship. Congrats!

  188. Daryl Zuniga won the prestigious UW Mary Gates Scholarship and an Honorable Mention for the CRA Undergraduate Research Award!

  189. Our paper on verifying Raft in Verdi will appear at CPP 2016!

  190. PLSE has four papers accepted to ASPLOS’16: approximate image and video storage, scalable superoptimization, DNA-based storage, and formal specifications for file system crash-consistency. See you in Atlanta!

  191. Alvin Cheung won MIT’s George M. Sprowls Award for outstanding PhD theses in computer science!

  192. James, Emina, Dan, and Luis’s paper on optimizing program synthesis with metasketches has been accepted to POPL 2016.

  193. Sam just won the Lockheed Martin Award for Best Engineering Project at the Young Software Engineer Awards. Woohoo!

  194. PLSE sent four papers to OOPSLA this year: on object-oriented constraint solving, constraint programming, synthesis of layout engines, and a framework for synthesis.

  195. The PLSE group has five papers accepted to ASE’15: evaluating test generation, handling reflection in static analysis, Crust, history granularity transformations, and dynamic race detection. Don’t miss it!

  196. Timelapse has been accepted to UIST’15. Come find out about diffing web interfaces.

  197. The Herbie and Verdi projects killed it at PLDI’15. Didn’t make the talks? Check out the project pages.

  198. The Herbie paper won Distinguished Paper at PLDI. Make sure you go see the talk!

  199. UW PLSE at SNAPL’15: a dependency case language for a neutron therapy machine, and hardware-software co-design!

  200. Ras Bodik is joining UW PLSE. We’re so incredibly excited to work with him!

  201. Congrats Doug Woos and Pavel Panchekha, two students in UW PLSE, who just became NSF fellows.

  202. Verso presenting first steps toward low-level optimizations in CompCert, at CoqPL’15.




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