
PL Tools and Techniques for 3D Printing

We investigate programming language (PL) techniques for improving democratized manufacturing processes such as 3D printing. Our goal is to invent and adapt PL tools to extend decades of research in industrial, high-end CAD/CAM in order to help make affordable desktop manufacturing processes more accurate, fast, reliable, and accessible to end-users. We focus on three major areas where 3D printing can benefit from programming language tools: design synthesis, design parametrization and optimization, and efficient toolpaths.


Aug 23, 2021 Chandra defended and finished her PhD!
Aug 11, 2021 Our paper, "A Roadmap Towards Parallel Printing for Desktop 3D Printers" got into SFF 2021!
Aug 06, 2021 Congrats to Chandrakana and collaborators for their paper, "Taxon: a Language for Formal Reasoning with Digital Fabrication Machines" at UIST 2021!
Feb 21, 2020 Our paper on Synthesizing Structured CAD Models using Equality Saturation and Inverse Transformations got into PLDI 2020!
Feb 10, 2020 Reincarnate was featured in an I Am CSE video at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering!
Nov 21, 2018 Chandrakana won an Adobe Research Fellowship 2019. Congratulations!
Jun. 11, 2018 Zach and Dan won an NSF grant. Congratulations!
May. 18, 2018 Our paper on Functional Programming for Compiling and Decompiling CAD is accepted to ICFP 2018!
Feb. 24, 2017 Our paper Programming Language Tools and Techniques for 3-D Printing is to appear in SNAPL 2017!


UW PhD Thesis, 2021 Programming Language Tools and Techniques for Computational Fabrication.
Chandrakana Nandi.
SFF 2021 A Roadmap Towards Parallel Printing for Desktop 3D Printers.
Chandrakana Nandi, Molly Carton, Adam Anderson, Haisen Zhao, Eva Darulova, Dan Grossman, Jeffrey Ian Lipton, Adriana Schulz, Zachary Tatlock.
talk slides bib
PLDI 2020 Synthesizing Structured CAD Models using Equality Saturation and Inverse Transformations.
Chandrakana Nandi, Max Willsey, Adam Anderson, James R. Wilcox, Eva Darulova, Dan Grossman, Zachary Tatlock.
code talk poster slides bib teaser
ICFP 2018 Functional Programming for Compiling and Decompiling Computer-Aided Design.
Chandrakana Nandi, James R. Wilcox, Taylor Blau, Dan Grossman, Zachary Tatlock.
code talk poster slides bib teaser
SNAPL 2017 Programming Language Tools and Techniques for 3D Printing.
Chandrakana Nandi, Anat Caspi, Dan Grossman, Zachary Tatlock.
slides bib

The Incarnate team

The incarnate developers can be reached via email.

  1. Chandrakana Nandi
  2. Dan Grossman
  3. Zachary Tatlock

Past members

  • Eva Darulova
  • Adam Anderson
  • Max Willsey
  • James R. Wilcox
  • Pavel Panchekha
  • Taylor Blau
  • Melissa Galloway
  • Seth Pendergrass
  • Anat Caspi